domingo, 10 de mayo de 2015

Through the history of runaways and thrownaways

We’ve already know about definitions, differences, comparison between runaways and throwaways but as a topic, always have histories that encase important things and even the context of those two words change, if we explore the history we can see that in the past, the runaways and thrownaways have more senses than the actually.
Start the history in the 18th and 19th century, the industrial Revolution, as a website says “Thousands of children, unprotected by restrictive labor laws and compulsory education, sought to escape the penury of rural life by obtaining factory jobs in the dense urban jungles of Europe and the United States. Leaving behind large families, many of these children left home with the consent of their parents and were forced into a new, urban poverty without the support of families and close-knit communities” the obligation of the job makes the youth independence from their parents an both accept their destiny to live far from them.
Continue in the history, appear the age of The great depression (1929-1939) childrens again with the consent of their parents left their homes, searching economic opportunities, “So pervasive was the problem of runaway youths during this time, that children were forced to travel from town to town in boxcars on freight trains in search of any available financial or material assistance (Minehan 1934; Wells and Sandhu 1986)”.  The great depression was the age in where the human saw the worst status economics, this start in united states after the fall in stock prices, the girls were sometimes forced into prostitution to pay for food and shelter and the boys sometimes steal and beg, at the end of this age created social communities for this.
Now the last landmark of the history, was in 1960s the social movement of hippies in where think about the freedom and the "hypocrisies of a materialistic culture" the definition of family for them was running away of their mind, and they start to live alone with their existencialism, the latest one, could find examples of personas who runaway and be thrownaway, like Kurt Cobain with his dysfunctional Family he many times were thrown and many times ran, represents a symbols of a teen who find in the music a breath for his family’s problem was the symbol of the 80s. Steve Jobs is a kind of man who leave his home to develop a business that are the most famous in the world.

As we see, the history change the context of runaways and thrownaways. Even though, it doesn’t exist war or a economic depression, still exist family’s problems. 

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