Differences of Runaways and Thownaways

Runaways is the decision to go out of the house , and thrownaways is decision of your family to kick out


One of the reason reasons of teenagers for get away of your family, is the lack of communication, and the reasons for teenagers that are discarded of your family, is because the parent considered a hindrance.


The consequences of running away or throwing away, could be with the time, prostitution, drug, alcohol and other problems.


Most of the teenagers have options. In the world exist 1´500.8676 social organizations, even though the most important things to fix is the family, and we have to star work in this. there´s still time.

sábado, 30 de mayo de 2015

Personal opinion: Stereotypes, can be sure?

There are youngs with a degree that are homeless

The society put stereotypes to all of us to clasificated us, well the same happen with homeless and houseless, we put stereotypes on them. The stereotypes that are mentioned is that they’re drugaddict,
Well, the 89% of those people don’t use drug, because they don’t have money to do it and even if they can have money won’t do it because the majority of those people are woman and most of them with child. “They are involve in alcoholism” The 78% of those people said that don’t alcohol, because they can have problems with this and they just want to survive and have a home again, no in shelters and don’t be refuges, the majority of homeless said that if they can go to home, maybe they can build a new home.
“They don’t have culture” The 95% of those people have their diplom of the high school and the other 5% have of their college, so we can’t said that those people don’t have culture, maybe they can have most culture than us.
“They have mental problems” According to statistics they suffer a lot of problems, like stomachache, and flu, but the 98% don’t have mental problems.
“They steal” Those people on the night just look for refuges, and the people that steal are robbery.
“They can make me hurt or abused me” the 85% were abused sexually and the de 15% have family problems, Are you sure that those people can hurt you? I mean we put stereotypes on them Do you ever think that our actions stop their aid?

Personal opinion: Who can criticize?

When someone talk about homeless and houseless the first think that they said is something like “those drug - addict people” or “The people that smell on the streets” or “those people that are so stupid and don’t have culture” and many of phrases like that; if someone said it to us hurts but, just because is for those people that are abandoned or they don’t have other option that live on the streets don’t matter.

We can’t stay here I don’t do something about it, are many people around the world be abused physical and emotional, we have the opportunity to stay here whit our family, but they not, sometimes the principal reason for those homeless and houseless people became in their family, the majority of them have family problem or be abused, and What do the rest of the people? They just criticized, even if they don’t know what happen in their past. Nobody can criticize those people, “life is like a ball, if you throw the ball, the ball come back to you” the language is important sometimes can be a candy and sometimes can be a knife.

viernes, 29 de mayo de 2015

Conclusion: Work Done!

There was another chapter to see, similar than the other one, however we can see and we can study the social problems that increase in our world, even if the technology still advance and the media of communication improves and the World Wars have done. The humanity have the same conditions than 70 years ago, homeless and houseless people is a part of the society that have increased with the time, we have to start since their educations and the government sholud finance new schools for their learning, this is the most powerful thing of a human.

English Group: IB Students

The art in homeless people

The art is the maximun expression that the human beign can express to others, the art don need money just passion. This is the case of the Korean homeless boy, who sleeps on the streets and loves sing, belive it or not, the creativity for whose don't have many oportunities are incredible, becasuse the art is their support and their own price. Wherever you go, you see a person homeless who make art with their life. Here is the video in where you can see his incredible talent.

Homeless People: Stereotypes

Exist many stereotypes in homeless people and we listen all the times when the people see them. In an article that i was reading, the author said, "There is a perception of homeless people in our society that is created and held up by a vast collection of myths and assumptions, most of which are wrong. These misconceptions are dangerous and they seriously interfere with attempts to help those in need", it means that we created prejudice to those people and put barriers in front of them without opportunities in the life, so exist mistake about the opinions of the people to the homeless people. 

As the first point "Most homeless people are not criminals and many of those who are technically criminals have only committed what are called status crimes", sometimes the confussion with the languages can be influence in the opinion, but exist a serious types of crime, they have this kind of arrested beacuse is their destiny sleep in a place that is not their own.

Another popular point is about the consume of drugs "Many are neither drug addicts nor alcoholics. While close to half of adult homeless people in the United States currently struggle with addictions or have struggled with addictions in the past many of them do not have and have not had a drug or alcohol problem." well this is a topic that cannot be defense neither in favor nor against, sometimes the homeless people use drug like a way of paid in the place they live or just maybe have emotional problems. We have to understand that they don't have orientation or support for other people who have a stable life, for this reason is not enough to give money on the streets, is neccesary to give the hands and help them.


Hospitality House: an example of solidarity

Rebeccas Community runs programs that relieve suffering and help homeless people establish social connections and find their way not only off the streets but into the community. For the past six years in Australia, our home / office / place of hospitality in one has been 
a place where we welcome homeless people (who we have come to know over the past decade) to either drop-in for a day or to stay for a couple of months.

Beyond the model of homeless shelters, hospitality house is much more like a family home where people come for sanctuary and belonging. We keep in touch with people long after they are off the streets and have moved on from hospitality house. We expect to continue this relationship, if only by phone for many years to come. By acting more like a family and less like a welfare service we are responding to the experience homeless people have in a way that is very unconventional. But it works.


Homeless and houseless?

Have you ever listened about those terms? I imagine that you’ve seen people who beg on the streets or maybe job on the streets for getting a better life, well hear is an official definition by the U.S Department of Health and Human Science that support the topic and says:
A homeless individual is defined in section 330(h)(5)(A) as “an individual who lacks housing (without regard to whether the individual is a member of a family), including an individual whose primary residence during the night is a supervised public or private facility (e.g., shelters) that provides temporary living accommodations, and an individual who is a resident in transitional housing.” A homeless person is an individual without permanent housing who may live on the streets; stay in a shelter, mission, single room occupancy facilities, abandoned building or vehicle; or in any other unstable or non-permanent situation
Even though exist one term, “Houseless”, that differs from the other one. Maybe this definition can focus the similarities that exist in the two words. Both means that the people don’t have a fixed and saved place, they don’t their owner place, however is very different to have a house or a home, maybe the people who don’t have house is just a place that they don’t have, but those who don’t have home mean an emotional perspective, many of them don’t receive help or support they are rejected for the society, we have to make conscious for that people and think about it.

lunes, 11 de mayo de 2015

Conclusion: Work done!

With the creation of the blog about runaways and thrownaways, we explored too many aspects about this, we learned about a global problem and we can aware the family’s problem, their causes of consequences. Through the blog we wanted to show relevant facts and interested things about this, we join to find and know to what extent are the childrens and youths who runaways or thrownaways. We learn too many new words, and we can explore the context in a complex way related the topic. We think about the power of the communications through the internet and music.

domingo, 10 de mayo de 2015

Solutions: it is enough an organization?

To introduce this, is important to know that is common to see, statistic about runaways and thrownaways in the United States, however Europe and Asia also have high numbers of runaways and thrownaways of this two groups, even though the solutions that the governments give to those societies always be  organizations helping young people and childrens in the street.
In adition, there is an article that mention young people say that don’t trust on other people who try to help them, let me tell you that this kind of solution is just for childrens and youth who whad ranaway and thrownaway, so What happen with those who still living this situation with family’s problems, with drugs and alcohol’s problems, with sexual abuses of a member’s family? It is enough to create organizations of foundations who rescue childrens who had been for those problems in their family?
It must be exist campaign through social network and other media and communications, organizations to give conferences for the family, because the family always be the principal cause of this topic.  Start to communicate can be the beginning of the solutions, campaign and conferences around the world, in the high school and even in the jobs.
You will be interesting to visit:

Through the history of runaways and thrownaways

We’ve already know about definitions, differences, comparison between runaways and throwaways but as a topic, always have histories that encase important things and even the context of those two words change, if we explore the history we can see that in the past, the runaways and thrownaways have more senses than the actually.
Start the history in the 18th and 19th century, the industrial Revolution, as a website says “Thousands of children, unprotected by restrictive labor laws and compulsory education, sought to escape the penury of rural life by obtaining factory jobs in the dense urban jungles of Europe and the United States. Leaving behind large families, many of these children left home with the consent of their parents and were forced into a new, urban poverty without the support of families and close-knit communities” the obligation of the job makes the youth independence from their parents an both accept their destiny to live far from them.
Continue in the history, appear the age of The great depression (1929-1939) childrens again with the consent of their parents left their homes, searching economic opportunities, “So pervasive was the problem of runaway youths during this time, that children were forced to travel from town to town in boxcars on freight trains in search of any available financial or material assistance (Minehan 1934; Wells and Sandhu 1986)”.  The great depression was the age in where the human saw the worst status economics, this start in united states after the fall in stock prices, the girls were sometimes forced into prostitution to pay for food and shelter and the boys sometimes steal and beg, at the end of this age created social communities for this.
Now the last landmark of the history, was in 1960s the social movement of hippies in where think about the freedom and the "hypocrisies of a materialistic culture" the definition of family for them was running away of their mind, and they start to live alone with their existencialism, the latest one, could find examples of personas who runaway and be thrownaway, like Kurt Cobain with his dysfunctional Family he many times were thrown and many times ran, represents a symbols of a teen who find in the music a breath for his family’s problem was the symbol of the 80s. Steve Jobs is a kind of man who leave his home to develop a business that are the most famous in the world.

As we see, the history change the context of runaways and thrownaways. Even though, it doesn’t exist war or a economic depression, still exist family’s problems. 

A new Society: Runaways and thrownaways

With the time, a populations has been increasing. This populations have youths  and childrens running from the sexual abuse, the family’s problems or just throwing of their household who cannot take the responsibility to care them.
In the case of runaways, one article of The university of Florida says that “The most reliable and complete data we have on the issue comes from the Second National Incidence Studies of Missing Abducted, Runaway, and Thrownaway Children (NISMART-2), funded by the U.S. Department of Justice and completed in 2002. This study found that in 1999 an estimated 1,682,900 children ran away or were forced out of their homes” this population is growing up and the creation of this instituions is due to know estimation the aumont of childrens and youths in the streets.  

In adition is importan to know an statistic of one year, it doesn’t matter if is actual or later, this kind of information help us to know the magnitude of the situation.
Of the estimated 1.7 million runaway/throwaway children in 1999, most (68%) were in their late teens (fifteen to seventeen years old). About 28% were between the ages of twelve and fourteen. 4% were between the ages of seven and eleven. There were equal numbers of males and females, and no ethnic group or race was overly represented. An estimated 35% had run away before. Data from the National Runaway Switchboard (2006) indicates that most children who left home stayed with a friend or relative. NISMART-2 (2002) found that 99.6% of all the youth studied returned home by the end of the year and about half returned within a week. Most did not travel far (fifty miles or less) and only a few ever left their state.

Well, this can be tedious to treat, because there are too many sources that we can find on internet. Exists organizations, emergency shelters, home free programs, communities and it isn’t still enough to solve this problems that is bigger than the sources and organizations. This blog is created to make awareness of a population that is still keep going and nobody has a stable solutions, but as a human that live in the age of the global communication; we can make a big voice and  ¡STOP DISFUNCTIONAL FAMILY! 

Is Important the differences? Do Runaway and thrownaway have the same situations?

The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) defines a runaway/throwaway episode as: A runaway episode is one that meets any one of the following criteria:
  • A child leaves home without permission and stays away overnight.
  • A child 14 years old or younger (or older and mentally incompetent) who is away from home chooses not to come home when expected to and stays away overnight.
  • A child 15 years old or older who is away from home chooses not to come home and stays away two nights. A throwaway episode is one that meets either of the following criteria:
  • A child is asked or told to leave home by a parent or other household adult, no adequate alternative care is arranged for the child by a household adult, and the child is out of the household overnight.
  • A child who is away from home is prevented from returning home by a parent or other household adult, no adequate alternative care is arranged for the child by a household adult, and the child is out of the household overnight (Sedlak, Finkelhor, Hammer, & Schultz, 2002).

A throwaway episode is one that meets either of the following criteria:
  • A child is asked or told to leave home by a parent or other household adult, no adequate alternative care is arranged for the child by a household adult, and the child is out of the household overnight.
  • A child who is away from home is prevented from returning home by a parent or other household adult, no adequate alternative care is arranged for the child by a household adult, and the child is out of the household overnight (Sedlak, Finkelhor, Hammer, & Schultz, 2002).

Exist, too many definitions that we can find in articles or in a website about those two words that represents a lonely life without parents, we can look for differences, however the real situation is that both have the same places and lifes. Nowadays is  like a trending, but all of these have other topics, like, what is the history? Why United States of America Is the most metioned in this topic?. 

Did you know that…?

  • 1 in 7 youth between the ages of 10 and 18 will run away. (National Runaway Switchboard. www.nrscrisisline.org).
  •  Some will return within a few days, others remain on the streets never to return. (National Runaway Switchboard. www.nrscrisisline.org).
  •  1.3 million youth are on the street every day. (National Runaway Switchboard. www.nrscrisisline.org).
  • 75% of runaways are female. (National Runaway Switchboard. www.nrscrisisline.org).
  •  The National Runaway Switchboard handles more than 100,000 phone calls each year. (National Runaway Switchboard. www.nrscrisisline.org).
  • On a national level, approximately 39% of the homeless population are children (Urban Institute 2000).
  • 46% of runaway and homeless youth reported being physically abused, 17% reported being sexually exploited and 38% reported being emotionally abused. (US Department of Health and Human Services).
  • 162,000 homeless youth are estimated to be victims of commercial sexual exploitation in the US (Estes, R. & Weiner, N. “Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico.” University of Pennsylvania, 2001).
  • 30% of shelter youth and 70% of street youth are victims of commercial sexual exploitation. (Estes, R. & Weiner, N. “Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico.” University of Pennsylvania, 2001).
  • 12 - 14 is the average age of entry into prostitution for girls under 17. (Estes, R. & Weiner, N. “Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico.” University of Pennsylvania, 2001).
  • 11 – 13 is the average age of entry into prostitution for boys under 17. (Estes, R. & Weiner, N. “Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico.” University of Pennsylvania, 2001).
  • The US is one of the countries of destination of women and children trafficked for the sex industry, with estimates ranging from 50,000 to 100,000 per year. There are between 90,000 and 300,000 prostituted minors in the US.
  •  Girls between 13 and 18 years of age constitute the largest group within the sex industry. 1 to 2 million women and children are trafficked each year, from less developed to industrialized countries 
Principal Source: Research And Advocacy. Homeless, Runaway and throwaway Youth: Sexual Victimization and the consequences of life on the streets.

Sources for Trafficking Data: USCCB Office of Pro-Life Activities, USCCB Office of Migration and Refugee Services, Stop Trafficking! Anti-Human Trafficking Newsletter, JPIC Trafficking in Women and Children Information and Workshop Kit, UNICEF, UN Commission on Human Rights

sábado, 9 de mayo de 2015

Consequences of runaways and thrownaways

The Texas metropolis is one of the country's largest hubs of human trafficking.

The problem is simply too big for police to trackle alone so Christian organizations are helping to expose the travesty and give shelter to its victims.
