As the first point "Most homeless people are not criminals and many of those who are technically criminals have only committed what are called status crimes", sometimes the confussion with the languages can be influence in the opinion, but exist a serious types of crime, they have this kind of arrested beacuse is their destiny sleep in a place that is not their own.
Another popular point is about the consume of drugs "Many are neither drug addicts nor alcoholics. While close to half of adult homeless people in the United States currently struggle with addictions or have struggled with addictions in the past many of them do not have and have not had a drug or alcohol problem." well this is a topic that cannot be defense neither in favor nor against, sometimes the homeless people use drug like a way of paid in the place they live or just maybe have emotional problems. We have to understand that they don't have orientation or support for other people who have a stable life, for this reason is not enough to give money on the streets, is neccesary to give the hands and help them.
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